about me
Marika Countouris was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA, where her life as a budding musician began. She took her first piano lesson at the age of seven, and even though she hated it, she begrudgingly continued at the request of her parents. Throughout high school, she participated in way too many activities such as marching band, musicals, jazz band, chamber choir and, of course, the swim team.
She continued her music education at The Catholic University of America, where she received a BM in musical theatre. Here, she discovered that all her many painful, tortured years of piano lessons were actually 1. super valuable and 2. provided her with great way to make a living. She began music directing, working on shows with both the School of Music and with the student run organization, CenterStage. Today, she music directs all over the DC area at the high school, college, and professional level.
Some of Marika’s greatest joys in life are vocal coaching high school students in preparation for college auditions, taking photos, and drinking iced espresso.
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Services offered:
lessons / coachings
transposing / arranging
video editing
music production / mixing
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